Laura Lomas | Intuitive

Third Chakra: The Solar Plexus

The third chakra resides in the solar plexus – the area encompassing your navel, belly, and between your rib cage. This center is associated with “the self,” our will, and our connection to power. It is the manifesting portal of our true feelings about ourselves. The element of fire in this chakra creates energy and motion – metabolism. This fire ignites the will, which is the motivating source of ones’ purpose and our actions. Intention and acknowledgement of that fire are the necessary forces to turn will in to action. Think of the saying, “fire in your belly.” This is an excellent analogy for what occurs when your third chakra is clear and activated – there is motivation and desire to move forward towards an exciting opportunity with purpose and inner strength. The opposite is equally true – butterflies and anxiety in the belly represent blockages which stop you from moving forward. These uncomfortable sensations are your bodies way of desperately getting your attention to the blockages which need to be acknowledged, honored, healed and released.

Having a clear and healthy solar plexus allows us to be integrated, feel inner harmony, make choices easily, have high self esteem (not to be confused with ego), an “I Can” attitude, a healthy digestive system, an accepting and understanding nature. A balanced, functioning solar plexus avows us with emotions that are reliable and appropriate; we can connect with others in a generous and warm way due to our own emotional integration and self love. It also liberates us from old patterns of being and creates new behaviors and understanding which propelled us forward with joy and clarity.

When the solar plexus is weak, blocked or shut down, we experience low self esteem, an “I can’t” attitude, digestive problems, hypoglycemia, lack of will, inability to make decisions, change our situation to move forward, emotional upheavals, an unhealthy attachment to power and control (or a total lack of self control,) powerlessness, nervousness, critical of self and others, deep shame, diabetes, a lack of warmth and compassion for self and others, anger, frustration, and addictions.

Today we live in a Western culture of power, domination, and separation. Unity and compassion are perceived as a weakness. Energetically this takes a lot out of us, as separation is not the true nature of our beings or that of the Earth’s systems, which we are so intimately a part of. Our third chakras suffer because we are constantly – knowingly or unknowingly – using our energy to protect ourselves. It takes clarity, compassion, intention and love to ignite our will to move beyond this cultural tsunami of separation and power; to align ourselves with our natural state of integration, wholeness, and love. Real power comes from this inner and outer unity and integration- it is reflected in our bodies, the Earth’s ecosystem and the cosmos. Connecting to Universal Love – our recognition of the deepest nature of that truth – is the way to move beyond the separation and be in the oneness of harmony and peace. LOVE – of self, others, the Earth and the Cosmos – is that spark that ignites the fire in our bellies so we can move forward, integrated in ourselves and in Union with the Universe. A healthy, functioning solar plexus is the gateway to that LOVE.



Laura Lomas is an intuitive counselor, clairvoyant and visionary. For over 25 years she has been facilitating healing and understanding of Universal Truths among her international clientele. She leads workshops and retreats across America and is currently working on a book about clearing the chakras. She lives in Vermont with her husband, 2 children and 2 dogs.

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