Laura Lomas | Intuitive

Exploring the Root Chakra

The chakras or “wheels” we will be working with are energy centers contained within our bodies. There are 7 primary centers, although we will also be working with an 8th secondary chakra which is gaining energetic importance as we evolve. The chakras are doorways to our Truth – they are doorways to our physical, emotional and spiritual selves. All of our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences flow through these portals and in turn, the energetic emotions and attitudes we hold radiate throughout our bodies and in to every cell. Having clear and balanced chakras create a healthy mind, body and spirit. Having a healthy mind, body and spirit allows us to have a healthy, clear relationship with ourselves, others, the Earth and the Divine – past, present and future. It is the one way to guarantee we lead the life of Truth we are here to experience and share.

Each chakra sits in a specific area of the body and corresponds to certain emotional, physical and spiritual attributes. Each chakra has a color, sound, element, function and yoga posture associated with it. There are also gems, foods, animal totems and deities one can use to aid in the clearing and strengthening of blocked or weakened chakras.

CHAKRA 1: I Have

The first chakra is the base or root chakra. It resides at the base of your spine. It is associated with survival and grounding – it is the foundation for the entire energy system. The base chakra is the root of our being – that which we energetically build upon. It is everything you stand for and stand on. It is crucial for this center to be open, clear, and connected to the heart of the Earth. It is also the chakra which is most overlooked by spiritual seekers, as it is not associated with the “higher” vibrations of the Divine. However, the base chakra MUST be healthy for one to align with the higher vibrational energies. Having a clear, healthy root allows the vessel – your body – to contain the higher energies. Think of your body as a vase and the energy of Spirit as the water pouring in… The stronger, bigger, grounded vase can hold much more than a weak, small, narrow vase can hold.

The base chakra is a brilliant red. It resides directly at the base of your spine. The sound associated with this center is LAM. It’s element is the Earth. Physically, it affects the perineum, the sacrum, the adrenals, legs, feet, bones, colon, anus, kidneys, and spinal column.

Yoga postures to activate and cleanse the base chakra: knee to chest, bridge pose, half and full locust, and head to knee pose.

When the base or root chakra is functioning properly, you feel stable, secure, grounded, purposeful. You have a general sense of well being and belonging. You are able to address difficult situations without fear, drama or unnecessary, prolonged pain. You are generous, adventurous, successful, courageous and patient. Your body is full of vitality and life force. You trust your instincts and have faith in the future.

When the base chakra is blocked or muddied, you feel ungrounded, dysfunctional, unstable, fearful, anxious, cheap, insecure, angry, and perhaps violent. You may suffer from narcissism, depression, anxiety, obesity, hyperactivity, constipation, have sciatic problems, urinary problems, bowel issues, and problems with your feet. You question everything because you are unsure of everything. Having a blocked base chakra puts you immediately in to a place of separation, which creates fear.

The base chakra is also where we source our belief systems. It is where we connect to our family, ancestors, community, and particularly where we source our belief about love. It is where we connect to the beliefs of our parents, grandparents and beyond, our larger family, our local community, our race, our religion, our nationality – the principles that guide our existence through the connection of the clan we are born to. These guiding beliefs and principles will become the initial foundation for each person, but we DO have the power to change the connection as we grow, if one chooses, by connecting deeper to the heart of the Earth – beyond that which you received as a child – to build upon a new foundation based upon higher understanding, connection, unity, oneness and love.

Meditation for Base Chakra

Sit comfortably and begin to breathe deeply. Bring the air right down to your toes, through your entire body, and up throughout your head. Fill yourself completely, then exhale fully and release all of the air in your body. Once you are empty, allow the in breath to naturally return, deeply, slowly and completely. As you continue this deep breathing and exhalation, notice what is happening with your mind: is it wandering, is it fearful, is it getting in the way of the breath by drawing attention to itself, is it giving you visual images to focus on instead? Just sit back and watch and witness whatever is coming up for you. Literally allow yourself to melt behind yourself so you are not attached to what you are seeing. Do not judge it. Do not place any emotion around what is occurring, just watch without attachment. Be aware, but do not participate in the activities – bear witness to them. Continue breathing this way for a few minutes.

Now place your attention at the base of your spine. What does this area look like to you? Without judgement or expectation, witness what is being presented. Trust whatever you see. Do not question anything. Breath in to your chakra and continue watching. Notice if anything changes. Notice if any particular feelings begin to surface, or any images present themselves. Ask if there is anything this chakra wants you to know or see or feel. Receive whatever you are given in the way of images, feelings, words, sensations etc… Again, watch and witness without judgement or question. Continue breathing in to this area.

Now visualize a root beginning to grow out of the base of your spine heading down towards the Earth. What does this root look like? Is it big or small. Fat or thin. Does it have tendrils or is it smooth. Does it have motion – fast, slow, swirling, electric, twirly etc… There is no right or wrong. Ask it to please go to the center of the Earth where it will join with the heart of Mother Earth herself – Gaia. She is there, welcoming you – joyous in the new connection of love and understanding being created through your intention. Again, allow the images to present themselves to you. Don’t worry about whether or not you are “making it up”. Never judge or force the images. Allow them to bubble to the surface and present themselves. If there are no images, witness your feelings and sensations. Asking and directing the root to connect to Mother Earth is all that is needed.

Watch as the root connects to the heart of Gaia. Intending this deep, rooted, grounded connection is all that is needed to create this union. With your inner voice, explain to Gaia that your intention is to create a new, grounded, healthy, balanced chakra system. She is honored to help and willingly hands your root a beautiful, round, spinning ruby red orb. Intend this beautiful, vibrant orb to travel up your root and place itself right at the base of your spine. Watch and witness this extraordinary gift. Receive it with gratitude and love. Breath in that gratitude and send it right in to the ruby red orb.

Continue breathing and feeling immense gratitude for the extraordinary gift you have just been given from the grounding source of our physical existence. Watch and see what unfolds. Be aware of any shifts in the vision, how you are feeling, any sensations your body may be experiencing. Perhaps there is a deep knowing or calm that has occurred. Maybe you are experiencing something painful, full of emotion. Allow those feelings to arise without attaching to them – do not judge – just watch and continue breathing, accepting whatever is presenting itself and filling yourself with immense gratitude.

Now shift your attention to the top of your head. This is the Crown chakra (chakra 7) where we connect to The Divine – the Universal Energy of Love – our Inner Truth. We will learn about this energy center in depth after we’ve gone through all of the other chakras, but for now, we will work with it from the vantage point of its main purpose – connection to our True Self, Higher Self, Atman, Spirit etc… Ask, or intend an opening to occur right at the top of the head. See this however it is being presented to you. There is no right or wrong, just witness an opening.

Breath deeply and continue intending the opening while speak to this chakra – explain it is time for you to receive Divine Light and Love to energize, cleanse, balance and connect your energy centers with Universal Love. It is time for you to truly be unified and connected through your energetic body. How is this energy center presenting the opening to you? Can you see it, feel it, sense it, “know” it? Watch and breath and feel gratitude, for gratitude is the gateway to Love. Now, ask and intend the Unconditional Love of the Universe – the beautiful white light of Love that is the true core of every being – to flow down in to the crown chakra, right down to the base of your spine. See this glorious white light enter the beautiful red orb and watch as it energizes the chakra with Love.

Witness what you are seeing. Be aware of how you are feeling. Notice if you are receiving any messages or sensations or knowings. Be fully present to all experiences you are having and breath deeply with gratitude.



Laura Lomas is an intuitive counselor, clairvoyant and visionary. For over 25 years she has been facilitating healing and understanding of Universal Truths among her international clientele. She leads workshops and retreats across America and is currently working on a book about clearing the chakras. She lives in Vermont with her husband, 2 children and 2 dogs.

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