Laura Lomas | Intuitive

Introduction to the Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “vortex”. Chakras are energy centers held within our subtle body, primarily along the spine. The chakras correspond to specific areas within our body and on all levels – mind, body and spirit. All of our thoughts, emotions, feelings and experiences – past and present – flow through these centers. When our chakras are clear and balanced, we feel vibrant, alive, happy, purposeful – we are able to handle whatever comes our way with Grace and acceptance because we are firmly connected to our inner Truth. When we hold negative energy in our chakras such as fear, pain, shame, trauma, etc… our chakras become closed. It is perfectly natural for them to close when we are feeling pain or fear – they are trying to protect us. Sometimes we need that protection – It is their job to do this. However, as we hold on to any fear and pain, the Universal creative, loving energy – the Chi, or Shakti – cannot flow through us without obstruction. Little by little, our chakras become blocked. Unfortunately, these patterns of pain become normal if the energies haven’t been recognized, honored and intentionally cleared – we lose the connection to our Inner Truth.

Having an awareness of the chakras allows us to be able to recognize and release old patterns and blockages, and clear our inner space to regain our natural state of clarity, balance and connection to self – as well as the Earth and the Universe. We live a reflective reality – as inside, goes outside. Inner clearing and flow allows our outer world to reflect that clarity and flow – it gives us the inner strength needed to live our lives with love, clarity of purpose and to gracefully handle any situation we find ourselves in.

When we are born, our chakras are wide open. Going through the birth canal actually stimulates them into action. As babies, we energetically receive everything around us – physically, emotionally and spiritually – from the people, places, and cultures we are experiencing. Some people (very few) are fortunate and experience nothing but loving, positive energies. They can remain open until they reach an age in adolescence when they start to individuate and close down slightly from those around them. This is natural and allows them to ground in their own unique way of being within themselves and in the world. But for most of us, our early years are full of both positive and negative experiences and therefore, our chakras become muddied, if not shut down completely. We also hold energies that have been projected upon us from family members and our cultural surroundings. Learning how to clear your chakras helps release and balance your own energy centers, but also affects the energetic vibration of those closest to you – your family members, friends, and colleagues. This positive shift in vibration has ripple effects throughout the entire community. Clearing our chakras heals us, heals our family along with any old, negative habitual patterning that may exist, and it heals our present, which creates a beautiful, loving pathway in to our future.

Clearing our energy centes brings about inner CLARITY.
Having inner clarity allows us to connect to LOVE.
Feeling inner love allows us to see our TRUTH.
Seeing the Truth in ourselves allows us to RECOGNIZE that Truth in all others. Recognizing the Truth of ourselves and others brings about deep CONNECTION/ ONENESS to each other, the Earth, the Divine, and the entire Cosmos.

This in turn brings about inner and outer HARMONY and PEACE.



Laura Lomas is an intuitive counselor, clairvoyant and visionary. For over 25 years she has been facilitating healing and understanding of Universal Truths among her international clientele. She leads workshops and retreats across America and is currently working on a book about clearing the chakras. She lives in Vermont with her husband, 2 children and 2 dogs.

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