Laura Lomas | Intuitive

Second Chakra: Water and Flow

CHAKRA 2: I Feel – Water and Flow

The second chakra, or sacral chakra, resides below the navel in the center of the pelvis by the sacrum. It is associated with sexuality, reproduction, creativity, movement, change, emotions and manifestation. The second chakra is our pleasure center – It is the divining source of our inner connection to Love. We are repelled by pain and fear because that is an indication of separation. Pleasure opens our energy centers, where pain and fear close them. Pleasure helps us relax and release blocked, stagnant or repressed energies; therefore, clearing the way for connection to consciousness and our inner truth . Releasing blockages rejuvenates and heals us by allowing energy to freely flow, shift and change. This motion, or flow, is essential for a healthy second chakra as well as a healthy mind, body and spirit. Physical activity also has this ability to release repressed energy. Yoga, breathing exercises, physical exercise, walking in nature, consensual sex, all these “movements” have similar affects on our second chakra. (Think of a “bowel movement” releasing the unused waste in our physical bodies. This is the same energetically.) Emotions are also tied to movement and flow. Movement can express or repress emotions. Allowing your emotions to be expressed, understood and therefore released, if needed, is one of the main functions of the sacral chakra.

Ancient communities believed the “soul of man” lived in the second chakra because it is the center of procreation. It is also the seat of manifesting creativity. Creative impulses are “received” through the third eye, or 6th chakra, and are “delivered” through the sacral chakra. It is the birthing channel of the physical, as well as the emotional and the spiritual. Kundalini energy, though rooted in the base chakra, is aroused or “birthed” through the sacral chakra, which ignites our connection to the Divine within. Stimulating the Kundalini energy awakens the clearing of all upper chakras, as it moves from the base of the spine, through each energy center, up to the crown of the head and beyond.

The sacral or second chakra is also the seat of our emotions regarding relationships with others . We hold old familial and tribal beliefs attached to relationship here. It is important for each person to recognize the patterned, old belief system around relationships we are holding from our family and ancestors before we can step in to a new, positive, flowing, successful way of being with others.

When the second chakra is clear, flowing and vibrant, we have a healthy relationship with our sexuality, we are able to express ourselves creatively, we are emotionally stable, we give and receive in a balanced way, our pregnancies are healthy, the urinary system functions properly, we are physically active, we welcome change, we are accepting, tolerant and harmonious, and we engage in healthy, balanced relationships.

If your second chakra is blocked, or restricted, you may suffer from sexual dysfunctions, such as impotence, being under or overly sexually active, your emotions rule your life, you feel blocked creatively and unable to complete creative projects, you may have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying to full term, you can suffer from urinary tract, bladder or kidney problems, lower back pain, guilt, narcissism, jealousy, possessiveness, purposelessness.

The second chakra is a vibrant orange color. The sound associated with this center is VAM. It’s element is water. Physically, it affects the reproductive organs, spleen, bladder, kidneys, lower back and colon.

Meditation For Sacral/Second Chakra

Sit comfortably and begin to breath deeply. Bring the air right down to your toes, through your entire body, and up throughout your head. Fill yourself completely, then exhale fully and release all of the air in your body. Once you are empty, allow the in-breath to naturally return, deeply, slowly and completely. As you continue this deep breathing and exhalation, notice what is happening with your mind: is it wandering, is it fearful, is it getting in the way of the breath by drawing attention to itself, is it giving you visual images to focus on instead? Just sit back and watch and witness whatever is coming up for you. Literally allow yourself to melt behind your mind so you are not attached to what you are seeing. Do not judge it. Do not place any emotion around what is occurring, just watch without attachment. Be aware, but do not participate in the activities – bear witness to them. Continue breathing this way for a few minutes.

Now place your attention on the bottoms of your feet. We are going to ignite and honor the connection of Oneness we have intentionally established when we worked on the base chakra earlier. Really breath in to your feet and send gratitude for all of the work your they do for you – even if you have problems with them. Begin to visualize roots growing out of each foot growing down through the building and in to the topsoil of the Earth beneath you. As soon as your roots enter that moist, cool Earth, they will spread out and grow all around in a circle, as they did before, entwining your roots with the

roots from the trees, the grass, the plants and all of the little creatures, animals, nutrients etc… contained in the Earth. This connection is crucial for our physical well being, stability and grounding. It is our intentional recognition of the Oneness of where we come from and where we return. It allows our physical body to be strong enough to contain the higher vibrations of the Universe. It is a necessity for our bodies, mind and Spirit.

Breath and thank the soil and the roots for giving you whatever it is you need today for grounding and stability. Thank them for this beautiful gift and for this connection. Energetically melt behind your body, making room to receive whatever the Earth gives you right now. Breath and receive with love and gratitude. Bear witness to what you are being given, how it feels, what it looks like, and where it is going in your body. Do not judge, just fill yourself with gratitude for this precious gift, connection and understanding. Continue to breath and receive for a few minutes.

Now place your attention at the area below your navel, in the center of your pelvis. Breath deeply and look in to this area. What does this area look like to you? Without judgement or expectation, witness what is being presented. Trust whatever you see. Do not question anything. Do not dismiss any words or images as foolish or silly. Breath in to this chakra and continue witnessing. Notice if anything has changed. Notice if any particular feelings begin to surface, or any images present themselves.

Ask the questions: do I give unconditionally in my relationships? Am I able to receive unconditionally in my relationships? What has my family taught me about relationships? Do I have a healthy relationship to my sexuality? Am I able to express myself creatively? Am I emotionally stable? Finally, ask if there is anything further this chakra wants you to know, see or feel. Receive the images, feelings, knowings with gratitude and non-judgement, while continuing to breathe in to this area for a few more minutes.

Now “Unplug” from your inner visions in the second chakra, and consciously draw your inner awareness to the root chakra. We are already lovingly connected to Gaia through this center, so intentionally re-establish that visual and energetic connection to the center of the Earth, and send gratitude to Gaia for her constant grounding and transformational love. Breathe and really feel the exchange of energy between you and the Earth.

Gaia is going to continue the healing of your chakra system by sending you the loving light from the center of the Earth in the form of a beautiful, round, orange ball full of liquid light. It will bubble up, through your base chakra, and into your second chakra, completely filling this energy center with its presence. Your intention is to be a witness to this energetic exchange and receive the energy being given to you. As your second chakra fills with this liquid light, watch as it will begin to flow out the front and back of your second chakra, flowing back down to the center of the Earth, cleansing and washing away any restrictions, blockages, and negativity you may be consciously or unconsciously holding. Receive this fluid, loving light from the Earth directly in to your

second chakra with utmost gratitude and appreciation. Thank it for healing you. Keep a silent mantra of “Thank You” with each breath as you surrender and receive this flowing, Earth energy – allowing it to fill your second chakra, flow out of you, and back down to the center of the Earth, creating a beautiful cycle of receiving from the Earth and giving back to the Earth in equal measure – all with gratitude, love and acceptance. “Thank You.” Continue watching as this flowing, circulating, clearing energy circulates through you, and bear witness to any sensations, feelings, images etc… you may be experiencing – without judgement, just gratitude.

Now, shift your vision by placing your inner attention to the top of your head – your crown chakra. Honor the connection which already exists in this center, and Intend the opening to occur right at the top of your head, as we did before. Continue to breath in to this area and watch as it opens. Speak to this energy center. Explain that you are intending the Divine activation of the second chakra – for Love to pour down from the unconditional love of the Universe and create a healthy, balanced connection with this area so you can have healthy relationships, sex, emotions and creativity. Visualize this glorious white light pouring down through your crown chakra, right down in to the orange, orb in your pelvis. Intend this Divine love to flow in to and fill this chakra with Unconditional love – healing the center and restoring it to its natural state of clarity and motion, unencumbered by any blockage or weakness.

Ask the Universal energy coming in to the crown chakra to expand around you. It is now flowing and filling your second chakra, as well as the area around your body, like a waterfall. This Love will clear away any of the old energy that has been released by the second chakra. The Loving light will flow down around you and in to the Earth. It is literally washing away anything that has been released by you energetically. Continue watching the vision and be present to how you are feeling. Be aware of any messages, sensations or knowings that may occur. Fill your entire body with gratitude for this healing. Graciously Intend it to be there always. Breathe. Namaste.



Laura Lomas is an intuitive counselor, clairvoyant and visionary. For over 25 years she has been facilitating healing and understanding of Universal Truths among her international clientele. She leads workshops and retreats across America and is currently working on a book about clearing the chakras. She lives in Vermont with her husband, 2 children and 2 dogs.

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